Double-click a thumbnail to open the image. When you click a folder containing images, the images are displayed as thumbnails in the main portion of the window. In the navigation pane on the left side of the window, make sure the Find tab is selected and locate the folder containing the image you want to open. Paint Shop Pro also includes an image browser that lets you browse thumbnails of images on your computer: To view only graphics of a particular file type, select the type from the Files of type menu. By default, all graphic files are displayed. Navigate to the location of the graphic. Paint Shop Pro supports a wide variety of graphics formats, which means you can open almost any type of graphic for editing. Note: Paint Shop Pro files use the extension. Note that as you make your selections, Paint Shop Pro displays the amount of memory required at the bottom of the dialog. If you selected an Art Media background, you can now select a canvas texture and color. Vector backgrounds are automatically transparent.
For example, for a raster background, you can select a transparent background or a color.
The remainder of the options available depend on the type of background you selected. The Art Media background enables the Art Media tools, which are used for digital painting. A raster background is common for photographs, while a vector background is used for creating vector objects. Under Image Characteristics, select a background type. The Presets menu is a handy way to select image sizes that are common for photographs or computer screens, among other purposes. Enter the width, height, and resolution of the image you want to create, or select a preset from the drop-down menu at the top of the dialog. From the File menu, select New, or click the New button on the Paint Shop Pro Standard toolbar. To begin an image from scratch, start by creating a new Paint Shop Pro file: